Saturday, January 22, 2011

Gone But Not Forgotten

Submitted by: Team Roger & Sue

In 2001, my husband's parents passed away approximately 6 months apart from cancer.  Roger was diagnosed in 1997 when he was doing a physical history to have his hip replaced.  He went through treatment, went into remission then had his hip replaced.  In mid 2000 his cancer came back and this time it was lung cancer and it had progressed so far that there was no treatment for it.  He passed on February 18, 2001, about 7 hours before Dale Earnhardt Sr. was killed at Daytona.

Sue had always been the caregiver of the family.  She was having issues herself when Roger was going through his treatment.  She wasn't one to go to the doctor much at all.  She was forced to go when she began having stomach pain and other related issues.  She was diagnosed with cervical cancer and it had progressed so badly that she had only a small portion of her bowel left.  She was treated and went into remission, then in 2001, she had a nagging cough and the doctors kept diagnosing her as having bronchitis.  It was discovered that she had lung cancer that had progressed too far to be able to do treatment.  Sue passed away on September 4, 2001, exactly one week before the September 11 attack.  

We relay because we have lost many family members to this horrible disease.  There are few left in Kevin and his sister Trish's family that have not had some form of cancer.  Their grandpa died in the 80's from lung cancer.  Their uncle died in the late 2000's.  Their aunt and cousin both went through breast cancer treatment at the same time (Neither of them knew the other was going through treatment) in the late 2000's.    We want to stop this cycle of passing this dreaded disease from family member to family member.  There is a new generation that we DO NOT want to have to go through losing another family member or having to go through treatment themselves!

We are recruiting the remaining family members, extended family members and friends to join our brand new team this year so that we can raise money to FIGHT this disease and WIN over Cancer!

In His Love,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

American Cancer Society on YouTube

Check out this awesome website with some really cool videos.  The American Cancer Society has a YouTube page and you can view and share them with friends and family.  Take a look.

Monday, January 17, 2011


You can send your post to me at and I will copy and paste your thoughts onto our community Relay for Life Brownsburg blog.  I figured, we could all just enjoy blogging about different things we are doing with our teams.  Things that inspire you to want to continue to REMEMBER  CELEBRATE  FIGHT BACK against cancer.  Pretty much anything Relay.  Tonight, I finally put together my profile page in my participate center.  I am also really excited about our Kick Off Party this Saturday.  I hope to get some great pictures and put them up on the blog to share with everyone and the community about what Relay for Life Browsburg is doing.